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SafeBandz is the leading wearable safety solution, designed to keep you and your loved ones secure. Our innovative technology provides peace of mind, ensuring help is always within reach.

BANDS ON SALE NOW! $24.95aud

The #1 Wearable for Personal Safety

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Step 1 Setup

Create and personalise your Safe Bandz account using our easy-to-follow setup process. Link your band to the account and add emergency contacts.


Step 2 Explore 

In case of an emergency, others can scan the QR code on your band and contact you immediately.

You will get access to their location to find and get alerted via notification*


Enjoy the flexibility of our QR-only subscription, allowing you to use Safe Bandz without purchasing a physical band. Print the QR code on any item, such as clothing or accessories, and use it the same way to ensure your safety.

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Safe Bandz Featured By

Safe Bandz takes centre stage in the world of personal safety!

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